Configuring cars? Pure boredom for the smartphone generation. To get our young target group excited about the many design variants of the new Volkswagen up! , we had to come up with something new. With our mobile website, users can easily put together the new up!: all you have to do is turn your smartphone on its axis to configure your favorite up! Turn a little to the right and it turns red. Turn it a bit further and it appears in yellow. That way, you can select colors, rims and design packs. And as a special highlight, you can even admire the freshly configured up! as a real 3D hologram on your smartphone.
We drew attention to the campaign with print ads, mailings and displays at Volkswagen dealers and supplied prisms as well. In addition to that we created a tutorial to show our customers how easy it is to make a prism themselves.
894.000 prisms used.
Over 600.000 leads on the landing page.
Unbelievable 70 % of configurations completed.
Max Award 2017:
Neptun Award 2017:
3.Place in Cross Media Campaign
Special Award in Best Use of Mobile